Maitreya, the Christ

The long awaited Messiah is finally here!

Moshiach ben David has returned!

The Second Coming of the Christ has occurred!

The Imam Mahdi has reappeared!

The Kalki Avatar has descended!

Moshiach, Mahdi, Kalki, Christ are actually names and titles of the exact same person - the Buddha Maitreya who has come as the Avatar of the New Age, not just for any specific religious group but for all men. But this is definitely NOT the End of the World. Far from it being the end, it will be a whole new glorious beginning.

See recent Corona Virus Update at the bottom.

Benjamin Creme of Share International has been speaking about the imminent open emergence of the Christ to the every day world for several years now. In December 2008, Creme revealed that the coming of Maitreya would be heralded by the appearance of a star in the sky (similar to star that preceded the birth of Jesus). In 2009, thousands of people saw the star (actually four UFOs) in the sky in multiple locations. In 2010, the emergence of Maitreya has finally occurred at last. On February 14th, Creme announced that Maitreya, the Christ had made his first open appearance and given an interview on an American TV show. Since that time, Maitreya has appeared on the same channel at least forty more times (He has also given several interviews on a channel in Mexico, many in Brazil, then in Russia and now in China). He has come incognito without identifying himself as the Christ. According to Creme, "He speaks earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the world’s resources.

Maitreya, the Christ, does not come to start a new religion or to have people follow or worship him. He is here to advise and teach, to show humanity a way out of the mess they have created for themselves on Earth. His message to mankind consists of this - without sharing of the world resources there can not be justice; without justice there can not be peace; without peace the world can not survive. He wants humanity to see itself as "One, brothers and sisters, and work together for the good of all". He wants the governments of all countries to guarantee the citizens of the world some basic human needs (food, shelter, health care and education) and also take better care of the planet and its environment. He also wants to correct many misunderstandings that have crept into our various religions about fate, life after death, heaven and hell and reassure men about God's infinite mercy and justice.

Some of the consequences of Maitreya's open presence in the world:

You can decide for yourself which side is 'good' and which side is 'evil'. However, good and evil  are not valid descriptions - nobody on earth is purely good or purely evil, but it should be clear which side the Christ prefers.

Note that the consequences above are the natural result of the Christ's presence in the world. They are a result of the energy of Love that emanates from Him - not actually caused by some specific act of will or power on His part.

The initial television appearances in the U.S. have been followed by TV interviews in Mexico, Brazil and Russia. Soon there will be appearances in Japan, Europe and elsewhere. Within a year or at most two years, Maitreya will be well known and accepted by a majority of the people of the world. Once many people respond to his message and begin to recognize him as the Christ, Maitreya will declare himself as the Avatar of the Age, the World Teacher, on the Day of Declaration. Soon after that Maitreya will be joined by the Avatar of the Previous Age - Jesus.

Note: If you even partially believe in this, please pass the news on to a friend - this is the Christ's explicit injunction to all of us.

Update 2/8/2011: An ethereal figure in white riding a white horse through the crowds gathered in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, has been seen by many and even captured on video : . Benjamin Creme confirms that the Rider on the White Horse was Maitreya, the Christ giving a blessing in order to show the immensity of what the Egyptian people are doing, and that he is with them in their struggle for justice and freedom.

Download the video here . Maitreya has assured us that ultimately 'People Power' will triumph over despotic governments or a powerful military-industrial complex.

Update 7/2/2012: Here He is again rescuing a wounded Syrian demonstrator - .

Update 10/6/2012: A miracle girl in Kabul has words from the Koran appear on her face and hands - . According to Creme this is a sign from the Mahdi/Maitreya that he will appear openly soon.

Possible reactions of the world's religions to the Coming of Maitreya, the Christ:

Timeline of the Christ's Emergence:

Note: It has taken the Christ so long to emerge because he has to be careful not to infringe on human free will by revealing himself before humanity is ready to receive him.

Update 11/09/2016: I never put much store in the biblical prophesy that the Second Coming of the Christ needs to be preceded by the rise of the Anti-Christ. But today we have a excellent candidate for that position. Donald Trump has been elected as President of the US - the most powerful position in the world. If that prophesy is correct then Trump definitely fits the bill for being the Anti-Christ (Some have speculated that the Anti-Christ is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but he is really unimportant with very little real power). Actually the real Anti-Christ was Hitler, but Trump is fulfilling the role of a mini one, just before the Second Coming. Trump is not really that evil, but he is ignorant, stupid and juvenile enough to commit evil deeds. The world will suffer much under his reign, mainly with regards to trade and climate change. The US itself will suffer in more ways. We may have to deal with that until the Christ's total emergence is complete - hopefully not too long a wait now. 

Update 03/15/2020: The Corona Virus pandemic has now hit the whole world. This is indeed a tragic thing causing immense suffering and many deaths around the world, but it may be the turning point that facilitates the emergence of the Christ. People finally will not be occupied with consuming/buying stuff and entertaining themselves (with celebrity scandals, football scores etc), but have to stop and think about their own survival as well as the suffering of others. It is totally wrong to think of such a natural disaster as 'an Act of God'. The 'Gods' don't cause natural disasters or pandemics. These calamities are caused by natural forces and the karma of all of humanity (as well as karma of individual nations). Americans after experiencing the shortage of goods (especially medicine), will finally understand the suffering they cause when Trump and his overfed minion Pompeo 'sanction' small defenseless countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Iran etc or keep refugees at the border without sufficient resources/facilities. The financial collapse in the Western world will finally change the balance of finance and power between east and west. Soon the Christ will reveal himself to help us out of this mess.  

Update 01/05/2022: The Christ declares in Matthew 31-46 that when he returns he will not only divide humanity into two groups (the goats and the sheep), but that he will cast the goats into the 'eternal fire prepared for the devil and the angels'. The division into two groups has already taken place all over the world. But what about the 'punishment' for the goats? I hope he was just speaking metaphorically, but  he did indicate that the goats would be banished in some form. In the US, UK, Canada and some parts of Western Europe, the goats have already facilitated their own banishment by becoming anti-vaccine and risking early death. In the rest of the world, especially the middle east and South Asian, I am afraid there may be a more violent clash (between goats and sheep) where the goats will be eliminated. China may also face a similar civil war and mass elimination (here the goats are the fanatical, authoritarian members of the CCP).  

Update 05/07/2022: The war in Ukraine has reached a dangerous phase. Of course, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia under Putin was an illegal and criminal act,  but the US and NATO are also acting irresponsibly. Arming Ukraine so that it can defend itself is fully justified, but the US and NATO should be facilitating negotiations and encouraging a cease-fire leading to a peaceful resolution. Instead by encouraging Ukraine to fight to the bitter end, they may have backed Putin into a corner. Putin may feel compelled to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine to ensure some sort of victory. In this event, the Christ may be forced to emerge immediately to prevent a nuclear holocaust. But it would a permanent mark of shame for humanity that we needed him to intervene in this way. It would be better if he came to inaugurate the new age and help us in our difficulties with climate change or mass starvation rather than to stop a collective nuclear suicide. If this happens humanity will have pretty much failed as a race. 

Interesting note: The 'gods' predicted in 1992, that NATO would eventually become the military arm of the United Nations, tasked with maintaining peace and preventing aggression across the world. Even Russia and China would then join in this effort (although their current regimes may have to fall first). 'Realists' like Mearsheimer will probably be quite surprised by this development. 'Anti-war' people like Jeffrey Sachs or Marxists like Vijay Prashad will also be shocked that the 'gods' don't buy into their 'peace/appeasement-at-all-costs' ideology. Putin, Xi JinPing and these so-called 'anti-war' activists believe that the world-wide frequent  'color' revolutions, especially the Arab-Spring were financed and orchestrated by the CIA - actually all of them were inspired by the energies of the Christ. When the Christ emerges openly, the revolutions will be revived and will all be successful.

Update 05/14/2022: Goats Gone Wild! The US Supreme Court is about to overturn federal legalization of abortion. Texas is prosecuting parents of trans children for child 'abuse'. Louisiana is contemplating charging women who have abortions with homicide. A racist shooter in Buffalo kills ten - mostly black people. The Taliban are enforcing burqa on all women. Hindu fundamentalists are attacking Muslims and destroying their homes. Israel just assassinated a Palestinian-American journalist! What is going on? The Christ predicted that when He returns humanity would be divided into 'goats' and 'sheep'. As his return gets closer and closer, the goats have started to get more extreme in identifying themselves as haters of everyone who are not like themselves, even if the 'others' are just people of a different gender and especially those of different religious beliefs. The Goats are offended by the happiness and freedom of anyone who they believe is transgressing  'divine'  or 'natural' law . The Goats are willing to meet such transgressions with force. Only the return of the Christ will curb their violence and hate.

Update 10/20/2023: Karma is working at even greater accelerated pace than ever before (after the Christ emerges it will be virtually instant). The goats are suffering the results of their actions and losing battles all over the world. 

Although many innocents are suffering because of all these events, I believe the Kingdom is already here and the emergence is imminent soon. However, I believe the Christ cannot emerge before the US 2024 elections. That would mean he has to choose sides which Gods avoid at all costs - humans have to make their own choice. So my guess is that he will make his first appearance anytime after January 2025.  

Update 11/25/2023:It has been six weeks since the horrific terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel. Israel has since start an unprecedented bombing campaign in Gaza which is nothing short of a major war crime. Israel's stated goal is to eliminate Hamas, but from its actions it seems Israel's main goal is to collectively punish the Gaza population with the elimination of Hamas or recovering the hostages being secondary goals. Either the IDF is too cowardly to go after Hamas in Gaza without first flattening everything standing around Hamas hideouts or their real purpose is destruction of Gaza and killing of civilians in order to terrorize them into submission. Already 20000 civilians including 8000 children are dead, many more injured and over one million rendered homeless.

These atrocities will need to be answered for when the Christ appears very soon.

Many Israelis failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah 2000 years ago; there is a good chance that many of them will fail to recognize Maitreya in the same way. Many of these Israelis are simply beyond redemption (as is much of Hamas).

Update 7/22/2024:Joe Biden has just withdrawn from his reelection bid for US President. This is an unfortunate development. Although his performance at the debate was disastrous, he was still capable of winning reelection and running the country for at least a few more years. In fact, it was his destiny to defeat the Anti-Christ, Trump and lead the world out of the economic calamity still to come. Kamala Harris is also capable of defeating Trump, but the margin will be smaller.  Biden would have comfortably carried the Senate and Congress. Harris may also do that but by thin margins. (The Democrats like Pelosi, Congressional members, Rich Donors,Twitter pundits, Clooney and Reiner etc. who pushed Biden into withdrawing are idiots; only AOC and Bernie seem to have the right instincts. Watch

Update 11/7/2024:As I said above, pushing Biden out of the Presidential race was a major mistake. Trump will now become the next US President (Incidentally there are some rumors that some cheating may have been involved and that is being investigated! Election Interference ). Trump has big plans to undermine and perhaps destroy the US government bureaucratic structure. But he may not have the time to do much before the economic crisis strikes. Trump is not a serious person and does not understand economic policy or any other policy. He will make matters much worse. As a result there will probably be a world-wide economic depression. In the US, poor people and minorities will be at a disadvantage. Outside the US, Palestinians and almost all Muslim countries will suffer under a Trump regime (exceptions are Saudi Arabia and UAE). Most of the rest of the world (except Israel and Russia) will also suffer. It will be an opportune time for the Christ to appear. 

Update 2/7/2025: Apparently, the 2024 US election results were totally fraudulent. Elon Musk using his network of satellites and with the help some of his amoral engineers together with Russian intelligence, took control of the vote counting servers nation-wide and modified all the election results to give Trump a landslide victory. It is shocking that US - a technological powerhouse and supposed bastion of Democracy, allowed its own democratic process be usurped by this power-hungry technocratic billionaire and the Russian intelligence agency, the FSB, without hardly anyone noticing. The biggest failures were of course, our much vaunted 'Free Press'. As usual they were sleeping at the switch, reporting what they saw on the surface with zero effort to investigate. Trump and Musk's effort to subvert and destroy American political and social institutions continues with greater vigor. These two billionaires want to make the entire world an oligarchy ruled by the richest of the rich. But all is not lost yet. The hope is that the US military will step up to the plate and stop this take over of the US government by a foreign adversary/enemy (Russia). We will see what happens in the few weeks and months.

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